Monday, October 8, 2007

How horrible! - The Polar Express Reviews

How can you turn a children's classic book into such a truly horrible, scary movie. It had so much potential. This is not for the very young and shouldn't be rated G. Very disappointing.

The polar express nightmare... - The Polar Express Reviews

was like a bad dream after eating too much spicy food! It was dark, creepy, kids out in the cold in their pajamas,the conductor acted weird, and had strange expressions. It went on like a nightmare you couldn't wake yourself up from. There was always disasters, and falling, and getting lost,and a creepy train! Then the kids walk into a cold dark empty house when they arrive home. Where is that warm fuzzy feeling???? A very cold,dark movie. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone,at any age!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Great graphics, boring story - The Polar Express Reviews

Initially, I was engaged by the great graphics of this movie, especially of the train itself. But once that novelty wears off, after the first 10 minutes, this movie is BORING. Even my 7-year old nephew couldn't wait for the closing credits to come up, so he could run out the door! There's just nothing to look forward to, or hope for, except seeing Santa himself, who turns out to be a regular, old, disappointing-looking fellow that computer graphics do nothing for. P.S. People who think this movie is too scary for kids are wimps. I was surrounded by 3 and 4 year olds, and they did seem to enjoy this movie. NO ONE was scared!

Christmas with aliens?? no it's just an idiot. - The Polar Express Reviews

Trust me, this is a horrible ego trip by Tom Hanks shoving his asinine impression of Christmas on us. I would rather watch the John Kerry impressions on Leno (i.e. hey John, why the long face?). A kid is questioning christmas, then a cheap train pulls up in his yard and takes him on worthless adventures to further fill his mind with junk. Be careful with all of the added characters. there's a hobo who doesn't fit in in any way. Basically, you just get sick of listening to Tom Hank's voice doing multiple characters. If you waste your time and money, try to figure out what "lessons" are punched into the tickets given to the children. that didn't make any sense. I would rather have seen aliens. The Forgotten had aliens, but they apparently travel the universe with wallpaper in their ship. Then to get Hanks' gestapo mentality, you have to explore the difference between what can be proved and what you have to believe without proof. The lame conductor says, "Sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see". What the heck is he talking about? I have to wait now for Easter to enjoy a holiday.

Great for children - The Polar Express Reviews

My son is 3 and he loved this movie, although the story is one of his favorites throughout the year. We will probably be seeing it again this holiday season. Great for the whole family.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Dark - The Polar Express Reviews

They call this a Christmas movie? If I had wanted to see a horror movie, I would have taken my grandson to see Seed of Chucky. It was one long, scary roller coaster ride. Creepy, down-right scary characters and animation. Even Santa was scary. I thought I was going to have nightmares myself. I couldn't wait for the film to end. It is not a movie for small children. I recommend you watch Polar Express before taking your youngsters to see it.

The creepy express - The Polar Express Reviews

Read the reviews....the operative word is CREEPY! There really is no other word for it. Google "Polar Express" and "Creepy" and read the results. What can you say? The technology was not ready for prime time.