Sunday, September 30, 2007

Outstanding - The Polar Express Reviews

Outstanding, animation was great, It was like magic, at times you felt as if you were in the movie. It was really, good, a must see. A plus

Polar train more like polar trainwreck - The Polar Express Reviews

You may think you want to see a movie about the polar train but do you really want to see a lot of satanist propaganda? Well the makers of this film clearly only care about SHOCK VALUE and the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. But then what else can you expect from the depraved minds in hollywood and their "friends" in the liberal media. TO REITERATE :THIS FILM IS PURE FILTH. Don't listen to the hollywood liberals who want you to watch this.

At last, something new for christmas - The Polar Express Reviews

And it's not "Rudolph and Frosty's, 4th of July sequel." It's hard to add to Roger Ebert's review. This movie not only has breathtaking visuals, but gives you a wonderful multi layered storyline.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Family board game night instead! - The Polar Express Reviews

Why not pass on the polar express (dullsville) and break out some classic boardgames instead? Parcheesi anyone? Last one to the rec room's a rotten egg! Sure you could shell out big bucks to be bored silly by Tom Hanks but maybe you'd be happier playing a few rounds of Connect four or Boggle. Why not bust out the old monopoly board? If you're missing some of the playing pieces, don't panic, just substitute buttons or pennies, toys soldiers or what have you. And best of all you'll be using the old noggin, not just sittin' in some theater like a zombie watching some mush mouthed computer generated Tom Hanks look alike spouting crack pot theories about St. Nicholas. Truly, board games are the one sure fire ticket to learning AND fun, so it might be smart to make room under your tree this year for a couple more-just a thought (hint, hint) But to get back to the movie, suffice to say I think you should give the Polar Express the old heave ho and "yule" be saying Yahtzee! in no time. Just don't blame me if someone "sinks your battleship!"

The cadavor express - The Polar Express Reviews

This movie has all the right intentions--but they should have used live actors instead of the reanimated cadavors that appear in this film. It appears that someone must have seen these characters at about 5 million into this disaster and thought, "this is sort of creepy--how bout we get live actors in this classic?" They could have kept the fantastic locations and plugged in the real actors, with living eyes and realistic expressions. Animated the dead for christmas...why not? But the half-dead? Bad idea.

A g-rated surprise - The Polar Express Reviews

G-Rated films are few and far between these days. I took my 11 year old train fanatic to go see this film today, and we both loved it. With all the tragic news and sometimes disgusting reality shows on TV, this film was a pleasant diversion. The animation is awesome and the story is sweet. You can't go wrong with this one!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Great movie - The Polar Express Reviews

A great movie with great animation. The script was well written. Parents should definately take their kids to see The Polar Express. Even take their teens...They need to "believe". Heh Heh. As I walked out of the theatre, I saw a few wives crying because it was good. I give it an A+ and beyond!

Tom hanks delivers a well-done performance. - The Polar Express Reviews

The Polar Express was absolutely fantastic. Even though it was animated, it was a really good movie. Tom Hanks delivers a great performance that'll make everybody cheer!

Spectacular!! - The Polar Express Reviews

I truly believe that ?Polar Express? will have dramatically different opinions based on which person was watching. I found it to be an absolutely wonderful film where people of any age could enjoy it, but not everyone will. ?Polar Express? is a story that strongly promotes belief, purity and it left the audience with a 5-10 second applause immediately following the film. For the people who rip on the movie by calling it ?boring? most likely just think this is a kids movie and believe that they?re ?too old? for it. I honestly don?t think so, as it kept my attention throughout. I might get a couple of bells that resemble the ones in the movie as part of others X-Mas gifts. That was a very nice touch.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Don't get "railroaded" - The Polar Express Reviews

Hanks and Zemeckis get badly "off track" in this disastrous movie. If the grotesque animation doesn't "derail" your enjoyment, The plot which rapidly "loses steam" will. This is one film that turned our theater into a "sleeping car." That's because "Tom Hanks" has not made a "good movie" Take my word for it, This is "the little train that couldn't"

Take your kids and believe!! - The Polar Express Reviews

Give yourself a gift -- go see this movie, and take someone's kids -- and let yourself be a kid again. Yes, it's bigtime slicker-than-raindeer-poop super-dooper Hollywood visuals, and fanfaire -- and Tom Hanks is a bit overexposed with 3.5 roles -- but guess what, my 7-year-old hasn't seen Forrest Gump and Band of Brothers and Splash and You've Got Mail and Bossom Buddies, etc! And who cares anyway! Tom Hanks is good. I gaurantee you, no one under the age of 10 will give this movie a bad review, and that's all that counts, now isn't it. Christmas is for children, and if we can't all be children once in a while, well, we're just kind of useless, now aren't we. Go see it. Take a kid, be a kid, and Merry Christmas!

Where's the magic? - The Polar Express Reviews

Sorry, but I have simply been spoiled by Pixar and now when I watch another CGI animated film I want the magic (and greatness) that Pixar brings to each one of their films...I found this knockoff just mediocre.....nothing special.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Instant trash - The Polar Express Reviews

Oh my god, Robert Zemekis has done it again. What could have been a nice little family Christmas movie, well, it's been turned into a very loud Christmas disaster. I couldn't believe how awful this movie was. And why should Tom Hanks play so many characters? Were they trying to save money? If you want to watch a good Christmas movie rent "A Christmas Story". Save your money and stay away from this disaster.

Believe... - The Polar Express Reviews

This is probrably one of the few animated films that most people will enjoy, which proves to be a charismatic, energetic, and thoughtfully creative outlook on the spirit of Christmas. Director Robert Zemeckis executes, as always, a technological advance in visual effects as well as a journey to find belief in something too extraordinary to be real. This film will remind you of those long Christmas Eve nights when you were a child, too anxious to fall asleep, staring out the window in curiosity, waiting for the sleigh bells to ring. The main character, who has grown quite skeptical of the existence of Santa Claus, is caught between his belief and his logical reasoning. He wants to believe there is a Santa, but he cannot believe it, it is too far-fetched and sounds like a fairy-tale. Especially when he caught his parents setting the presents last year. He hears a distant rumbling which grows on a tremedous crescendo and before he knows it, he skirmishes out the door and face-to-face with an old locomotive train parked right in his neighborhood street. When the conductor invite him on the ride, he is at first relectant to board, until the train starts to leave. He rushes on before it's too late and the journey to the North Pole begins, which is more like a journey to find the faith that he lost. Each child on the train carries a ticket that is hole stamped in a shape of a letter by the conductor (Tom Hanks plays the role of every grown-up introduced). But when one loses a ticket, it travels on a small adventure of it's own to return back to the train it was lost from. (You will notice the strong similarity of the fluttering ticket to the floating feather in Forrest Gump, one of Zemeckis' previous films) The film is full of breath-taking scenes both on and off the train. You are taken on a powerful roller-coaster ride and you feel the lump of your stomach rise into your chest as if you yourself are onboard with the characters themselves. There are some magnificent scenes in the North Pole with elves bursting with joy and you can't help but be swept up with the beauty of the Christmas spirit. Throughout the entire film, you feel as if you are watching a play with the characters dancing and singing in some moments to entering see-sawing conflicts with the character's mind. When he reaches the North Pole, he can see the city, all the elves, but he cannot hear the bells of Santa's prescence. Even when Santa makes his appearance, he is not allowed to see him no matter how hard he tries, not until he tries to believe again... Only then can he hear the chime of a special bell ring... Thankfully, Zemeckis uses his own money and techniques to use in this film, so he doesn't have to put up with the tampering and results that Pixar usually comes up with. (Most Pixar films turn out sickeningly sweet like Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, A Shark Tale, The Incredibles) We are given something that is not so much a children's film, but a heart-felt film that makes you feel good about Christmas, as well as yourself, much like the results of Hanks' recent film, The Terminal. I hope that this film is at least nominated for Best Animated Feature at the Oscars. I would strongly recommend the 3-D IMAX Experience since it offers so much more and the three dimensional screening heightens the thrills and entertainment the film offers. This is is a movie that delivers what you go in expecting. Some critics would say the CGI has difficulty capturing the emotions of a human face, but it is never intended to do that. It's much more like seeing an illustration in a book. The effects made me feel that aweing inspiration that I felt when I watched Toy Story for the first time in the theatre as a kid. You will go in the theatre and come out anxiously waiting for the arrival of the Christmas season. It gives you a feeling that you don't want to go away! -My Rating: .::B::. - Pretty Good Recommended: The Polar Express: 3-D IMAX Experience, The Terminal, Toy Story, A Christmas Story -Jerry Johnston

It's alright - The Polar Express Reviews

..but not totally great. I went to a preview with a 6 year old and he loved it. The characters are a little creepy and the script was not that good. It is a great movie for the kids but for adults, it is not worth running out there to see

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My 2 yr old and i liked it! - The Polar Express Reviews

I just watched The Polar Express with my 2 year old son. It kept his attention well and was interesting to me as well. My only critique is that the characters were a little too robotic and too many characters were voiced by Tom Hanks. They all sounded alike! I think Hanks is a wonderful actor, however, I'm not real big on one-man shows. The line between cartoon and "real" was fuzzy, but I think that that may have been part of its intrige for me. The story was mysterious and exciting with the right amount of warmth. It wasn't too mushy. (Someone had stated that it didn't portray the spirit of Christmas, but I do not agree.)

Absolutely wonderful - The Polar Express Reviews

This movie was so much better than I had anticipated after hearing some unflattering remarks from the critics - to which I reply, "Critics, what do they know?". The story was rich, Tom Hanks was his normal amazing self in all the roles, the "cinematography" was exceptional. I was on the edge of my seat in parts. I thought it was a fantastic holiday classic in the making. We went with 3 kids and 10 adults; everyone loved it!

This movie will scare your kids - The Polar Express Reviews

There were 8 people in the entire theater -- 7 adults a one kid. The poor kid kept crying during the movie and told his mom: "i'm scared!" Eventually, the mom gave up and left with the child because he couldn't take it anymore. If you want to scare the pants off your kids, take them to this movie. The animated characters look like MONSTERS and zombies -- not a single cute character in the movie. Santa in the movie has a plastic face. The elves are freakin' evil looking and look like demons from Lord of the Rings. The scene in which Santa walks out to a crowd of chanting elves in the North Pole will remind you of the 3rd Reich in Germany with platoons of german troops chanting "heil Hitler!" This is probably the darkest christmas movie ever produced.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Wonderful christmas fare - The Polar Express Reviews

One of the best Christmas movies ever made. A simple tale of belief in Santa that may bring a tear to the eyes of parents. The visual effects are superb. Each scene in the movie resembles an elaborately drawn painting. They have done a fine job of capturing the spirit of Chris Van Allsburg's illustrations. Do not be fooled; this is not the simple animation of television's classic Christmas specials. The train is detailed down to the rivets, the caribou would look at home in the real world, and the North Pole is stunning. When you get an aerial view of Santa's Christmas Tree, be sure to pay attention to the compass directions on plaza around the tree. The animators achieved a city at the North Pole that could only be rivaled by a model that would take thousands of hours and billions of dollars to create. Even then, it wouldn't be populated by the countless elves found in the film. When you get an aerial view of Santa's Christmas Tree, be sure to pay attention to the compass directions on plaza around the tree. Watching the film, I forced myself to think for a moment about the motion capture technique used to animate the children and adults. I felt the animated children portrayed emotion much better than most real child actors. After the film, my wife informed me that most of the children were acted by adults, including Tom Hanks. The use of accomplished actors to create child characters succeeds brilliantly. Only someone who has no children and has had every last bit of Christmas Spirit drain out of their dry shriveled heart would not enjoy this movie. We just got back from the theater, and I'm ready to see it again.

First step to a film-making revolution! - The Polar Express Reviews

Just think, that if they can make a whole movie of endless possibilities and several small children using only 5 adult actors to model a computer animation. It's unbelivable! And it still has the same heart, values, and that joy of christmas that's missing in this world today. I mean Zemeckis and Hanks could've done that in a live-action movie. But with this, you can see Chris Van Allsburg's dream come right off the paper and into your heart. Hanks pulls off an oscar-worthy performance. (or performances being that he played 5 characters in the film) Now this goes to show that computer animation will one day replace actors in the film world (sad to say). Even though this movie cost a million dollars a minute, it will be affordable in the future. However the computer limitations are noticeable, being that you can kind of see Hanks miraculous performance underneath the straining smiles of the computer characters. But all in all its a beautiful step to film future!

It's starting to feel a lot like x-mas!!! - The Polar Express Reviews

This movie was what you would have expected! The book is so amazing with it's great story and unbelievable visuals, but to make a movie... you knew they were going to need to stretch! Children will love this movie, while adults will be striving for a little more! Nonetheless, this movie will really make people begin to crave that wonderful feeling of christmas. As the majority of you reading this review you already know the story of this film! A young boy questioning christmas is picked up by a magic train named the polar express! He is then taken through many character building situations before meeting the big man... Santa Clause. His life was forever changed... the end! Although this was brief it is all you need to know to prepare for the film. The movie ends on a high note leaving you to crave christmas! Many of you will leave the theater having wanted more, but ultimately will be satisfied with the magical affect a christmas movie can have on you. The polar express is a great book that is complimented by the movie... no more and no less. Please go with your kids and enjoy! You will truly leave feeling prepared for the holidays!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A great movie for kids and adults! - The Polar Express Reviews

I took my 4-year-old to see this movie this morning. He hasn't stopped talking about it for over 2 hours and keeps asking when we can go again. I read all the critic's reviews about the movie and, from the less-than-flattering reviews was expecting some sort of horror flick in terms of the animation. This wasn't the case at all. There were a couple of suspensful parts where my son wanted to sit on my lap, but other than that, he absolutely loved it. (Funny, now the parts where he crawled on my lap are actually his FAVORITES) I don't know how I'd rate this movie if I saw it alone, but through the eyes of my son, it was truly magical--a Christmas classic that we will watch every year!

Today i rode the polar express! - The Polar Express Reviews

Polar Express will be the first entry of the modern era into the "holiday classic" category. The movie provides welcome relief from the tortourous holiday entries that have plagued the box office in recent years, and should score highly with the critics on every directorial category. This is the movie that'll make you believe a reindeer can fly! The story touches and tickles, but also does not overwhelm with its holiday-themed message. For example, early in the movie (ie, no spoilers here), the star child of the movie stops the Polar Express because he doesn't want another child -- who is trying but was a little slower than others -- to miss out on the opportunities that lie ahead. That gives you a harmless sample of the type of theme you'll find in this movie. The characters look and feel so real, it is astounding. You must constantly remind yourself that it is computer generated, because in most scenes, you'd never know it. The animation ground-breaking, having been modeled from actual human emotions. The scenery on the journey and in the North Pole is breathtaking. Equally worthwhile is the soundtrack, filled with music that may not rank quite as high as "Lion King" but should find its way on a CD under more than a few Christmas trees this holiday season. I brought 2 toddlers. I had a real tough time getting my boy through the first 20 minutes, where he was often scared for the safety of the characters. Let's just say I wouldn't want my kid riding the REAL polar express. But, he did settle down and really enjoyed the final hour of the film, as did the other child. Indeed, there is a dark element in the film that will shock viewers expecting nothing more than a happy-go-lucky holiday film. To me, it plays exactly like a real dream with some of the dark, confusing elements that often occur in real dreams. If that is what the producers intended -- and I think it is -- this is the most smashingly successful effort to capture the experience of a dream in film. You will feel you are the hero boy having this dream and wondering if it is good or bad, sensical or not, and where it is all going. Like a real dream, you don't want to wake up until you find out where it all leads. Its noteworthy that I saw the 3D version at the IMAX. The 3D really enhances the film; adding 3D to Polar Express would be like adding color to a black-and-white version of "Finding Nemo". The 3D version of this movie could show in many theme parks and leave few disappointed. Some of the most spectacular 3D experiences are laden in this film, along with visuals that fill the screen both in size and depth. I won't tell you what they find in the north pole, but I can promise you'll see the biggest darn Christmas tree EVER on the IMAX screen. This is a very FUN film as well, and that is its predominant characteristic. It grabs the audience from the getgo and never lets go. Whether you choose to go see the 2D version to watch the Polar Express, or go see the 3D version to *ride* the Polar Express, I can assure you this is a movie you will want to make time for this holiday season.

Very sweet - The Polar Express Reviews

I took my almost 4 year old son to this movie and he couldn't take his eyes off the screen. He's a train lover, so that was a big part of the reason- but it's so well animated that you really feel like you're part of the movie. There's not much comedy to be found in this movie, which could make it dull for those who are not there purely for the nostalgic holiday feel- but if you love Christmas like I do, its sweetness shines through. My son and I really enjoyed this movie and we're ready to get into the holiday spirit!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

A memorable christmas classic - The Polar Express Reviews

Zemeckis has directed the movie well & translated the book onto the screens in a very good way. The Zemeckis/Hanks combination once again brings out a memorable role for Hanks as the conductor. & even though it was CG, there were moments of well translated emotions & messages. Kids will really enjoy this movie considering the visuals are very pleasant & memorable, some of the visuals being astoundingly spectacular. & even though I felt there some parts in the movie where it seems to drag, the director quickly recovers & executes it to a fitting grand finale. Polar Express expresses the true meaning of christmas & I'm sure kids & family will enjoy it alike.

Scary for little ones... - The Polar Express Reviews

I was reluctant to take my 4-year-old to see PE, because I afraid of too much "do you believe in Santa" stuff would lead to premature questioning at his young age. Not to worry... this was handled very delicately and went over his head. HOWEVER, he was very scared during several of the high-action scenes, and even though he is a HUGE train-lover, he kept asking me to leave NOW. Only after I sat him, and kept him, on my lap would he settle down (which was great because I wanted to see the whole thing!) Although this movie has a "G" rating, I would caution parents about the possible scary nature of some of the scenes, and characters. PE certainly isn't as scary as The Wizard of Oz, but I still hate the flying monkeys after years of annual TV viewing of that one!

Fantastic... an instant christmas classic! - The Polar Express Reviews

This movie is absolutely fantastic! I've been waiting for this movie for 2 years, and it was worth the wait. I love this movie. A Heart-warming story that everybody can relate to with great acting, cutting-edge effects, great soundtrack, and from a visual aspect, the most beautiful movie I have ever seen. The only thing I didn't like about the movie is that it had to end! I saw a sneak preview this past Saturday (11/6) in Charlotte, NC (theater was packed), and at the end of the movie, people applauded... I have not witnessed that since "Apollo 13". This is an instant Christmas classic, and all other holiday movies must line up behind this one. Run! ... don't walk to see this movie.

Stays true to the meaning - The Polar Express Reviews

Let me start off by saying that I loved the book ever since I was years younger. I have always thought that it carried a beautiful meaning that needed to be shown in the movie in order for it to be considered The Polar Express. The movie is wonderfully done and quite enjoyable. It has a lot of symbolism, including some interesting ones not in the original story. Of course the visuals were purely amazing and just breathtaking. That was plainly obvious, especially in a sequence when the path of a lost ticket is followed along a trail of blistering high winds, a pack of wolves, and an eagle. That was absolutely astounding. I must point something out though. I know that additions needed to be made so that this could be made into a movie, but some of them were unnecessary, and I was waiting for those extra scenes to be over so that the good parts would be shown. Then again, I knew what was going to happen. But judging as a movie, it was pretty good overall. I would have still enjoyed it had I not read the book. I do not know how many children will stay awake during the entire film because there are quite a few dull moments. I certainly enjoyed the book much more, but this was not so bad. The movie stayed true to the meaning, which was very good and nicely interpreted. It is not only about Christmas, but about the things in front of us that we choose not to see. The film is great for those who carry the Christmas spirit in their hearts =)

Am i watching a movie or a video game on the xbox? - The Polar Express Reviews

Am I watching a movie or a video game on the XBOX? It has a great story, but I think Pixar would do a lot better job than these folks. Looks like this movie was made by a game company. All the character animation has no soul and looks like they're all zombies. After seeing "The Incredibles" and this's really a 180 degree turn.

Beautiful book, beautiful film - The Polar Express Reviews

"The Polor Express" is a wonderful Christmas book by Chris Van Allsburg. The artwork of the book has been amazingly transformed to film in Zemeckis' film. Many reviews have ridiculed either the quality of animation or the absurdity of the prolonged story. I think that this film did an admirable job at making a short picture book come to life in a wonderful tale on screen. I know that if I were a child again, this film would capture my heart. It nearly did that and I am an adult. I honestly think that children of all ages will enjoy this story as a wonderful Christmastime treat. There are so many small details that take the story telling in the film to a greater depth that is not possible in a book. It is a very good companion to the original book but in no way does it take its place. However, the film remarkably does not try to overshadow its source material like most book to screen transitions. At times the film gets lost in trying to create conflict to prolong the story, but it is worth going to see with family and friends if just to watch the beautiful animation come to life. The story's true essence is still present and it is filled with beautiful music by Alan Silvestry. Read the picture book with your family this Christmas and also enjoy the film. I know that you will love both.