Saturday, September 22, 2007

Scary for little ones... - The Polar Express Reviews

I was reluctant to take my 4-year-old to see PE, because I afraid of too much "do you believe in Santa" stuff would lead to premature questioning at his young age. Not to worry... this was handled very delicately and went over his head. HOWEVER, he was very scared during several of the high-action scenes, and even though he is a HUGE train-lover, he kept asking me to leave NOW. Only after I sat him, and kept him, on my lap would he settle down (which was great because I wanted to see the whole thing!) Although this movie has a "G" rating, I would caution parents about the possible scary nature of some of the scenes, and characters. PE certainly isn't as scary as The Wizard of Oz, but I still hate the flying monkeys after years of annual TV viewing of that one!

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