Monday, September 24, 2007

It's starting to feel a lot like x-mas!!! - The Polar Express Reviews

This movie was what you would have expected! The book is so amazing with it's great story and unbelievable visuals, but to make a movie... you knew they were going to need to stretch! Children will love this movie, while adults will be striving for a little more! Nonetheless, this movie will really make people begin to crave that wonderful feeling of christmas. As the majority of you reading this review you already know the story of this film! A young boy questioning christmas is picked up by a magic train named the polar express! He is then taken through many character building situations before meeting the big man... Santa Clause. His life was forever changed... the end! Although this was brief it is all you need to know to prepare for the film. The movie ends on a high note leaving you to crave christmas! Many of you will leave the theater having wanted more, but ultimately will be satisfied with the magical affect a christmas movie can have on you. The polar express is a great book that is complimented by the movie... no more and no less. Please go with your kids and enjoy! You will truly leave feeling prepared for the holidays!

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