Sunday, September 23, 2007

Today i rode the polar express! - The Polar Express Reviews

Polar Express will be the first entry of the modern era into the "holiday classic" category. The movie provides welcome relief from the tortourous holiday entries that have plagued the box office in recent years, and should score highly with the critics on every directorial category. This is the movie that'll make you believe a reindeer can fly! The story touches and tickles, but also does not overwhelm with its holiday-themed message. For example, early in the movie (ie, no spoilers here), the star child of the movie stops the Polar Express because he doesn't want another child -- who is trying but was a little slower than others -- to miss out on the opportunities that lie ahead. That gives you a harmless sample of the type of theme you'll find in this movie. The characters look and feel so real, it is astounding. You must constantly remind yourself that it is computer generated, because in most scenes, you'd never know it. The animation ground-breaking, having been modeled from actual human emotions. The scenery on the journey and in the North Pole is breathtaking. Equally worthwhile is the soundtrack, filled with music that may not rank quite as high as "Lion King" but should find its way on a CD under more than a few Christmas trees this holiday season. I brought 2 toddlers. I had a real tough time getting my boy through the first 20 minutes, where he was often scared for the safety of the characters. Let's just say I wouldn't want my kid riding the REAL polar express. But, he did settle down and really enjoyed the final hour of the film, as did the other child. Indeed, there is a dark element in the film that will shock viewers expecting nothing more than a happy-go-lucky holiday film. To me, it plays exactly like a real dream with some of the dark, confusing elements that often occur in real dreams. If that is what the producers intended -- and I think it is -- this is the most smashingly successful effort to capture the experience of a dream in film. You will feel you are the hero boy having this dream and wondering if it is good or bad, sensical or not, and where it is all going. Like a real dream, you don't want to wake up until you find out where it all leads. Its noteworthy that I saw the 3D version at the IMAX. The 3D really enhances the film; adding 3D to Polar Express would be like adding color to a black-and-white version of "Finding Nemo". The 3D version of this movie could show in many theme parks and leave few disappointed. Some of the most spectacular 3D experiences are laden in this film, along with visuals that fill the screen both in size and depth. I won't tell you what they find in the north pole, but I can promise you'll see the biggest darn Christmas tree EVER on the IMAX screen. This is a very FUN film as well, and that is its predominant characteristic. It grabs the audience from the getgo and never lets go. Whether you choose to go see the 2D version to watch the Polar Express, or go see the 3D version to *ride* the Polar Express, I can assure you this is a movie you will want to make time for this holiday season.

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