Saturday, September 22, 2007

Stays true to the meaning - The Polar Express Reviews

Let me start off by saying that I loved the book ever since I was years younger. I have always thought that it carried a beautiful meaning that needed to be shown in the movie in order for it to be considered The Polar Express. The movie is wonderfully done and quite enjoyable. It has a lot of symbolism, including some interesting ones not in the original story. Of course the visuals were purely amazing and just breathtaking. That was plainly obvious, especially in a sequence when the path of a lost ticket is followed along a trail of blistering high winds, a pack of wolves, and an eagle. That was absolutely astounding. I must point something out though. I know that additions needed to be made so that this could be made into a movie, but some of them were unnecessary, and I was waiting for those extra scenes to be over so that the good parts would be shown. Then again, I knew what was going to happen. But judging as a movie, it was pretty good overall. I would have still enjoyed it had I not read the book. I do not know how many children will stay awake during the entire film because there are quite a few dull moments. I certainly enjoyed the book much more, but this was not so bad. The movie stayed true to the meaning, which was very good and nicely interpreted. It is not only about Christmas, but about the things in front of us that we choose not to see. The film is great for those who carry the Christmas spirit in their hearts =)

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