Thursday, September 27, 2007

Take your kids and believe!! - The Polar Express Reviews

Give yourself a gift -- go see this movie, and take someone's kids -- and let yourself be a kid again. Yes, it's bigtime slicker-than-raindeer-poop super-dooper Hollywood visuals, and fanfaire -- and Tom Hanks is a bit overexposed with 3.5 roles -- but guess what, my 7-year-old hasn't seen Forrest Gump and Band of Brothers and Splash and You've Got Mail and Bossom Buddies, etc! And who cares anyway! Tom Hanks is good. I gaurantee you, no one under the age of 10 will give this movie a bad review, and that's all that counts, now isn't it. Christmas is for children, and if we can't all be children once in a while, well, we're just kind of useless, now aren't we. Go see it. Take a kid, be a kid, and Merry Christmas!

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