Saturday, September 29, 2007

Family board game night instead! - The Polar Express Reviews

Why not pass on the polar express (dullsville) and break out some classic boardgames instead? Parcheesi anyone? Last one to the rec room's a rotten egg! Sure you could shell out big bucks to be bored silly by Tom Hanks but maybe you'd be happier playing a few rounds of Connect four or Boggle. Why not bust out the old monopoly board? If you're missing some of the playing pieces, don't panic, just substitute buttons or pennies, toys soldiers or what have you. And best of all you'll be using the old noggin, not just sittin' in some theater like a zombie watching some mush mouthed computer generated Tom Hanks look alike spouting crack pot theories about St. Nicholas. Truly, board games are the one sure fire ticket to learning AND fun, so it might be smart to make room under your tree this year for a couple more-just a thought (hint, hint) But to get back to the movie, suffice to say I think you should give the Polar Express the old heave ho and "yule" be saying Yahtzee! in no time. Just don't blame me if someone "sinks your battleship!"

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